
Also InGene at BRIGHT 2017 – Researchers' night!

01 Oct

This year, on the occasion of BRIGHT - Researchers' Night, the InGene Project was also present, in particular with Dr. Maria Evelina Fantacci (Department of Physics, University of Pisa) in a joint stand with the INFN. At the stand, located in the center of Pisa, at the Logge di Banchi, entitled "INFN research: from particles to man", the activities of ATLAS (one of the Higgs boson experiments at CERN) were shown and the software activities of the medical physics group of the Department. The same group also allowed viewing of the hardware activities thanks to a visit to the laboratories in Piazza Pontecorvo. Thanks to the commitment of Dr. Fantacci and the staff present, the initiative was highly successful, arousing good public interest also in the issues pertaining to the InGene Project.

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