Trial Module - Clinical Trials
The Trial module allows you to manage clinical trials (which are not the specific subject of the InGene 2.0 project) which focus on a configurable set of data and events available from the platform (clinical history of patients) for the purpose of studying similarities and recurrences. The aim is to manage clinical trials that focus on a set of data and events available from the clinical history of patients in order to study similarities and recurrences. The implemented module is completely configurable based on the characteristics of the CRF. The data present in the CRF is organized into 'groups' based on the characteristics and backends where they are stored. Each group corresponds to a plugin of the Trial module.

In each plugin, the information retrieved from the backends is rendered and filtered relative to the fields of interest of the CRF which are defined in the configuration files. They are then composed in the Trials module with a tab layout (patient data, objective tests, medical history, laboratory tests,...).

From each displayed field it is possible to promptly access the patient's card to modify the data (if you have privileges) or to view other contextual information The platform's patient enrollment criteria are also completely configurable and therefore easily adaptable to specific trials.