NeuroExam Module - Neuro-Muscolar tests
The NeuroExam module aims to manage the acquisition and archiving of data relating to neuro-muscular objective examination assessments.
In general, within the neuro-muscular objective examination the strength of the muscles is evaluated
of the patient's muscle groups assigning a score on the MRC scale ranging from 0 to 5, where the minimum degree corresponds to the maximum impairment (grade 0: absence of movement) while, on the contrary, the maximum degree corresponds to the maximum level of motor skills (grade 5: normal muscle contraction against full resistance). While the exam is being performed, a global view of the muscle groups for the front and back is available.
The operator, after selecting the muscle with a click, assigns it a value with respect to the MRC scale and optionally a set of HPO (Human Phenotype Ontology) codes that describe its functionality.
The management of the neuro-muscular exam has been integrated as a plugin of the Patients module, so each assessment, i.e. each exam performed, is displayed in the patient's timeline as an event with information relating to the scores assigned to the muscle groups (average of scores assigned during the examination to the individual muscles belonging to the muscle group in question). From the event in the timeline it is also possible to view the detail of the muscles with the scores assigned as well as an animation that shows the trend of the patient's assessments over time to assist the clinician in closely following the pathological course of the individual patient.