The strategic objectives that the University pursues include: -Promoting fundamental and applied scientific research, consolidating the Departments as the main drivers of research development and autonomous centers within a strategic reference framework provided by the university, operating both through the provision of common services and infrastructures for research, and through a progressive integration of UniMORE activities into national and international (especially European) research networks, finally favoring a qualitative and quantitative increase in the project activity. -Strengthening the recruitment policy of qualified young people, both through the strengthening and internationalization of PhDs, and through the enhancement of researchers and fellows. -The stimulus towards research activities capable of a significant social, economic, cultural impact, to be achieved through technology transfer tools, including the creation of spin-offs and start-ups, within the framework of a specific policy aimed at improving dialogue with institutions, from those of the territory to national or international ones, interested in collaborating in an intersectoral manner with the world of university research.
WEB site:
Profile of staff engaged in the project